I saw this tip from an Instagram marketer: In the first comment under your post, load up with as many hashtags as the system will allow. THEN three days later, delete that comment full of hashtags so you can use those again without running afoul of Instagram's algorithm.
Really this is a sign that Instagram and the use of hashtags in general are kind of broken. And if this gimmick works today, it will probably not work tomorrow. Use social media, but work on building a better fan experience elsewhere. If Instagram is not showing your content to your followers, that is a failure by Instagram and not a reason to engage in desperate gimmicks. On the U2 album "Rattle And Hum" Bono introduces their cover of "Helter Skelter" with the line, "Charles Manson stole this song from The Beatles. We're stealing it back." Although not a direct correlation, there is the temptation to tell prospective clients "Social media sites stole your fans. We are going to help you steal them back."
Moving forward I think it will be important for bands (and businesses) to create walled gardens for their genuine fans. Yes, keep using social media, but don't give in to the idea that those sites are allowed to hold your fans hostage as they have been. More importantly, show that better content, a better connection, and a better experience await the fan who steps outside of the app. I am making a couple of small changes. New interviews will now be sent out via the newly created Interview Series newsletter.
If you are a subscriber to the blog, you should have been automatically added to the newsletter and should have received the link to the new interview with Ben Sesar, drummer for Brad Paisley, today. If you did not, please go ahead and subscribe at https://bandstofans.ck.page/interviews I am going to stop my use of Feedblitz right now. I am also going to change the focus of the blog. It will no longer be used to announce new interviews. I might still post interview excerpts, but I am not sure. In fact, I am not sure exactly what this blog is going to become. I will just see how it evolves. Thanks. One interview with us will yield a lot of content for your band's website, social media, newsletter, etc. Grab this special offer at https://bit.ly/50offinterview
June 2024