"Being a musician is all about leaving a legacy. And that’s not about money. That’s about music. If you can’t leave a musical legacy, if you can’t be remembered for what you did, there’s no sense in doing it. It’s not just about making a hit right now, making a few dollars right now, make a lot of dollars right now. It’s about people leaving a stamp that a lot of people are going to remember." - Kim Wilson of clients The Fabulous Thunderbirds
I've seen client Rich Redmond covered in sweat after a sound check. There are some performers who phone in the whole concert. Meanwhile he doesn't even coast for a 15 minute test of mics, instruments, and synced video effects. When he sits down at the kit, he commits himself fully, whether it is a packed stadium or an empty one. It's a great example to follow. - Cris
You can always boost your numbers by stealing someone else's catchy material. The real question is: How do people react to your own original content?
With their reformatting of the "Photos" section for public pages, Facebook has somewhat hidden the collection of photos from other people that were either posted on the page or that tagged the page. I glossed over that line of text and just dove into the "Albums" several times before seeing it.
This is a good thing though. You still have access to photos by fans and can see if there is something cool to share to the page. However, it is also nice that this is hidden, because in the past people would take advantage of its more prominent placement and spam that section with ads for products or promotion of their own profiles. I never thought I would watch Jimmy Buffett perform a tribute to Prince, but last night when the band launched into "Purple Rain" it was sweet and sincere.
Much of social media is out of your control. By all means, learn as much as you can about the platforms you choose to post to. But there are limitations to how much you can “trick” an algorithm into giving your post a bigger audience than the average.
Instead focus on consistently creating quality content. You have control over that. Don't throw away that advantage. - Cris |
June 2024