![]() I read a magazine interview with a lady billed as an expert in social media marketing. Most of her advice was fairly generic. Still, I pulled up her Facebook page. Maybe there was something I could learn from her content. It turns out she is a strikingly beautiful woman and every post features a professional photo of her in a bikini. Some photos were of her in evening gowns, most of which I would describe as formal bikinis. "For your next state dinner, we recommend just pairing high heels and fringe with black underwear." It also appeared that her hair and make-up had been professionally done, even for the beach pictures. To be fair, I'm sure a lot of people do that right before walking into the ocean. The text for each post focused on one of two insights: > She loved everyone. > If you bought her calendar, you could see "hotter" photos. I should point out that the magazine touting her as a social media marketing expert was a business and finance magazine. It was kind of like reading in the Wall Street Journal, "To make the most of your Roth IRA, we recommend taking selfies in a thong." For me the big takeaways from this expert's content were: > Be a beautiful woman. This may require surgery, especially if you are a man. > Every post should feature a photo of you in a bikini or formal underwear. > Make sure your posts tell people that if they buy your calendar, they can see hotter photos. I believe that's how Warren Buffett became so successful. Comments are closed.
June 2024